Thursday, 16 September 2021
As it emerges Spelthorne Borough Council wants to investigate the former landfill site in Chertsey where Zane Gbangbola died, Lucy Mayer talks to his mother Nicole.
Spelthorne's Councillors
made the decision at a council meeting on Tuesday night.
original inquest ruled 7 year old Zane's death in 2014 was an accident caused
by carbon monoxide poisoning from a petrol pump brought by his family to get
rid of floodwater after their home near to the former landfill in Chertsey flooded.
Zane’s parents Kye Gbangbola and Nicole Lawler have always disputed the inquest
findings saying the pump wasn't used.
They say Zane died after toxins flushed out of the site and into their home.
Gbangbola, who was paralysed following the incident in 2014, and Ms Lawler, have now obtained
Public Health England (PHE) papers which back their long-held claims.
are calling for an Independent Inquiry into their son’s death.
A spokesperson on behalf of the Coroner’s Office has said: “An
independent, full, frank and fearless inquest into the death of Zane Gbangbola
was concluded in September 2016. The inquest ran for over six weeks, during
which time the Coroner heard a substantial amount of evidence including that
from in excess of 70 witnesses.
“The Coroner’s detailed explanation of his findings and conclusion has
been available since the end of the inquest and can be accessed here.
“Having considered all the evidence that was before the Court,
the Coroner concluded that the cause of Zane’s death was ‘Carbon Monoxide
Toxicity’. We would like to offer our sincere condolences to Zane’s family and
friends on his tragic death.”
We have also contacted the Environment Agency for comment.
posted by Radio Jackie News Team @ 3:25 pm