Friday 3 December 2021
The previous leader of Kingston Council is going to stay in charge of the borough’s council properties
Caroline Kerr has been appointed as Portfolio Holder for Assets, despite having stepped down from the leadership.
At the last reshuffle in May, the responsibility for assets was that of the Leader, who is now Andreas Kirsch.
Kingston Council says the amount of extra money paid to councillors has remained the same though.
It also says that there is no requirement for the full council to approve the establishment of a role or the appointment to it.
Kingston Council's Full Statement:
There is no requirement for Council to approve the establishment of a Portfolio Holder role or the appointment to it.
These are matters entirely at the discretion of the Leader of the Council provided the number of Portfolio Holders does not exceed 10.
Customarily such appointments are reported to the next meeting of Council for information and this will happen at the meeting on 14th December.
In this case there is no overall increase in the Special Responsibility Allowances payable because Cllr Kirsch has retained one of the portfolio roles himself but will receive only the Leaders SRA (Members are not entitled to more than one full SRA regardless of the number of eligible roles they occupy).
While the total number of Portfolio Holders has increased to 9 the number receiving SRAs for the role therefore remains at 8.
Where there are joint holders of any SRA eligible role, including Portfolio Holder positions, the allowance is halved.
In these circumstances the Member(s) concerned may receive two allowances so long as the total amount payable does not exceed the amount that would have been payable had either role been occupied singly.
On this basis Cllr Thompson shares both the Portfolio position and the Co-Chair role of the Health & Wellbeing Board and is thus entitled to 50% of both allowances.
Cllr Foulder-Hughes is entitled to the remaining 50% of the shared Portfolio Holder position.
posted by Radio Jackie News Team @ 7:10 am