Saturday, 16 January 2021
More than a thousand residents have been left freezing in their recently built homes in Hackbridge worth up to £600,000.
Its after they were left without heating because of an outage in their heating network run by Sutton Decentralised Energy Network (SDEN)
This outage is the 12th in a long line of breakdowns in the past 12 months
Residents fear their flats at New Mill Quarter may be deemed unsalable because of the recurring issues with the Sutton council owned network.
A Sutton Council spokesman said;
All residents who identified themselves as vulnerable were contacted individually to be offered help and supplied with electric heaters. In addition, all vulnerable residents, plus those who requested one, have had a radiator delivered.
We are pleased to report that the power has now been restored and the Council will be working with Barratts to ensure that the ongoing issues are addressed.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience to residents, especially given the current lockdown restrictions due to COVID and the very cold weather.
posted by Radio Jackie News Team @ 11:32 pm