current bookings will be cancelled and residents will be notified via
Council is now drawing up plans to partially re-open the site, with a reduced
Julia Neden-Watts, Chair of the Environment, Sustainability, Culture and Sports
Committee said:
know it is frustrating for residents that Townmead Road has been
closed for this long, and that people have had multiple bookings cancelled, but
safety has always been our priority. I am pleased we now have a clear view
of what needs to be done and plan to get the site operational as soon as
“Unfortunately capacity
will be reduced for a time, therefore there will be fewer slots available once
the booking site reopens, so I would still encourage people to think of
alternative options in the interim such as using the bulky waste collection
service or visiting one of the other West London sites. I would also ask that
people think about how they
can reduce their or store their recycling and waste until they
are able to visit Townmead Road again.
also keep an eye on the Townmead Road section of the
Council website for updates on the reopening.”
posted by Radio Jackie News Team @ 2:00 pm