Tuesday, 8 March 2022
Children as young as 11 are fame-seeking through TikTok according to new research from Kingston University
Marketing experts have been examining the psychology of secondary school age TikTokers and the gratifications they get from the site.
They wanted to uncover how much young people are motivated by self-expression, social recognition and fame-seeking.
The findings revealed that children often believe that they will become famous by sharing video clips of their talents.
But Dr Rita Kottasz, says this increases the risk of being exposed to predatory and privacy issues at a very young age.
TikTok requires young people to be at least 13 years old to sign up.
But in this study, pre-adolescent children were found to be more active in posting video content and were heavier users than adolescents.
The research paper, Uses and gratifications sought by pre-adolescent and adolescent TikTok consumers, is available online.
posted by Radio Jackie News Team @ 8:18 am